

beverage, tea, breakfast

Making a cup of tea is similar to allowing the universe to blend into your being and activate healing. 

To make a basic cup of tea, a tea bag is steeped in hot water. But making an IDEAL cup of tea requires attention to detail combined with the intention to create something special. Using purified water heated to the perfect temperature, adding just the right amount of organic loose-leaf tea to a strainer, inhaling the aroma as the gentle water extracts all the goodness, adding a bit of cream or honey to sweeten…all of these things can elevate a basic cup of tea and turn it into something special. Watching it all unfold in a rich swirl of warmth is healing in and of itself.

When we live with intention, life can take on a greater depth and deeper sense of meaning. 

Healing with intention can be this way, too.

 In our day to day lives, there are often mindless rituals and things we simply “get through”. But by living with intention, we can create our ideal life, one that encourages healing in its embrace of warmth and earthiness and sweetness. It is a swirl and a dance that creates peace and a feeling not of merely settling, but of being-settled. ❤

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